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Под игото Paperback | Pages: 528 pages
Rating: 4.19 | 5960 Users | 117 Reviews

Itemize Books To Под игото

Original Title: Под игото
ISBN: 9545272465 (ISBN13: 9789545272462)
Edition Language: Bulgarian
Setting: Bulgaria

Narrative Toward Books Под игото

„Под игото“ е първият български роман. Подзаглавие - „Из живота на българина в навечерието на Освобождението“. Написан е от Иван Вазов по време на изгнание в Одеса, пренесен е в България с руската дипломатическа поща. Композиционно романът се състои от три части и 88 глави, които обхващат подготовката, избухването и потушаването на Априлското въстание. Сюжетното действие започва с идването на Бойчо Огнянов в Бяла Черква през май 1875 г. и завършва с неговата смърт през май 1876 г. Но фабулата на творбата не се изчерпва с личните драми на героите, нито с действията и противодействията им през тази година, защото не личните, а историческите събития са в основата на сюжетното действие и определят неговия епически характер. Своеобразна кулминация и развръзка на романа са главите "Пиянството на един народ" и "Пробуждане", в които Вазов постига редки за българската литература прозрения по философия на българската история с резките й преходи от опиянение към отрезвяване и страх, от подем към покруса, разочарование и предателство. Романът "Под игото" е първата книга, която носи литературна слава на Вазов и на България. Въпреки някои слабости и противоречия, това е най-мащабната и недостигната още "енциклопедия на българския национален живот". "Под игото" е филмиран през 1953г.

Details About Books Под игото

Title:Под игото
Author:Ivan Vazov
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 528 pages
Published:2004 by Дамян Яков (first published 1893)
Categories:European Literature. Bulgarian Literature. Classics. Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Cultural. Bulgaria

Rating About Books Под игото
Ratings: 4.19 From 5960 Users | 117 Reviews

Write-Up About Books Под игото
I re-read this book recently in order to see it from the eyes of a young woman as opposed to a teenager. Once again, I was impressed by the fully blooded characters, the realistic description of their motives and feelings. I also loved how the action was well-paced, with plenty of exciting and tensed moments, where favourite characters barely avoided death. The strongest scene was probably the ending, which made me cry as if it was really happening. The only reason I didnt give the book 5 stars

Read for the first time: 01.09.2013 - 13.09.2013Read for the second time: 01.09.2016 - 02.01.2017This is no doubt one of my most favourite books. It is very well written and probably the most historically accurate book you'll ever come across, because the author describes his own country and he lived part of his life during that time.The characters are amazing. You love them from the first page and you never quit loving them years after you've read the book.Truly amazing. I will re-read it later

What fun to be transported back in time to a Valley of Roses, filled with grotesque bashi-bazouks, "soup" landlords, exotic revolutionaries, scheming monks and remarkably worldly nuns...not to mention a doomed but compelling love story.Like most Englishmen I sympathise with the Bulgarian revolutionaries but some things struck me which avid Bulgarian nationalists might not like to hear me say...first, the novel makes clear that some Bulgarians were in favour of the Ottoman status quo - a fact

Good book depicting a true historical period when Bulgaria was under the Ottoman yoke (that was honestly the first time I hear this word.. even in Arabic). I recommend this book as a historical chef-d'oeuvre .. characters are extremely vivid and I like the fact that they evolve and that in general not all "good characters " stay good and vice versa.. The author was called the father of Bulgarian Literature. He actually is talented in the way he tells a story, keeps you hooked, events are

This is one of the books which made me feel the most emotion during a read. I cried, i played, i trembled and laughed but mainly felt grateful and proud. It is a must read describing a period of Bulgarian history left a very strong trail and memory in every generation after. Once I read this book I was in trance for 2 days. I was young and confused due to the shock this book gave me. Until today this is one of the most beautiful and meaningful reads of my life. I am grateful for it.

A stirring tale of insurrection among the towns and villages of Southern Bulgaria against the Turks during the 1870s. The plot follows the trials and tribulations of an agitator as he struggles to raise the revolution amongst his compatriots. It is fascinating, given that we are living in times where insurrection is organised through social media, to see the sheer time and effort it once required to go from village to village organising meetings and coordinating action through messages and

This is the great national novel of Bulgaria. I have already read and enjoyed the great national novel of Azerbaijan (Ali and Nino), the great national epic poem of Poland (Pan Tadeusz), the great national novel of Armenia (Forty Days of Musa Dagh), and the great national novel of the Don Cossacks (Quiet Flows the Don), so I was hoping for another fine story of downtrodden people of Eastern Europe in rebellion against oppression. In this regard it did not disappoint. There is heroic scheming and

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