
Free The Mysterious Portrait Download Books

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Original Title: Портрет
ISBN: 1409931315 (ISBN13: 9781409931317)
Edition Language: English
Free The Mysterious Portrait  Download Books
The Mysterious Portrait Paperback | Pages: 48 pages
Rating: 4 | 1416 Users | 126 Reviews

Define About Books The Mysterious Portrait

Title:The Mysterious Portrait
Author:Nikolai Gogol
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 48 pages
Published:October 24th 2008 by Dodo Press (first published 1835)
Categories:Cultural. Russia. Fiction. Short Stories. Literature. Russian Literature. Classics

Rendition In Pursuance Of Books The Mysterious Portrait

Nikolai Gogol's "The Portrait" is a short story about art. First written in 1835 and then significantly revised in 1842, the work explores a central concern in Romantic aesthetics: the role of the artist and his creation. Through a series of ekphrases, i.e. literary representations of visual art, the narrative of "The Portrait" examines the act of representational painting in all of its constituent parts: the psychological condition of the artist, the manner of painting (or its formal qualities), the possible subjects of representation, and, finally, its impact upon the viewer.

(by Eliot Stempf)

Rating About Books The Mysterious Portrait
Ratings: 4 From 1416 Users | 126 Reviews

Assess About Books The Mysterious Portrait
*4,5 🌟O meu favorito dos contos de São Petersburgo lidos até agora. Quase perfeito. Atrevo-me a dizer que Gógol é o autor que melhor expressa o absurdo, sem espaço a questionamentos nem perguntas relativas a esse mesmo absurdo que é a base, a forma e o objetivo da obra, em simultâneo.Cada vez Gógol se afirma mais como um dos meus autores favoritos.

O meu primeiro de Gogol. Curto e petrificante conto, reminiscências de outros clássicos vieram à minha mente: Oscar Wilde com O retrato de Dorian Gray e Fausto de Goethe. A figura demoníaca é retratada ou personificada no semblante (olhar carmim tenebroso) de um misterioso usurário de origem exótica. Meditações sobre a avareza, a ganância e a destruição inerente a todas as paixões desmesuradas, iminentemente egóicas. E a face salvífica da ascese, da recolha espiritual, como antídoto. (Parece uma

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داستان نقاش فقیری به نام چارتکوف که با خرید یک تابلوی نقاشی اسرارآمیز زندگی اش از حالت تعادل خارج میشود. به نظرم داستان این گزاره را اثبات میکند که اگر هنرمند از روح خود مراقبت نکند و گرفتار تعریف و تمجید دیگران و دنیا زدگی شود نه تنها نمیتواند آثار خوب گذشته اش را تکرار کند بلکه سقوط خواهد کرد. شاید اگر گوگول در این روزها میخواست داستان چارتکوف را بنویسد او را تبدیل به یک نقاش عشق لایک شدن در اینستاگرام میکرد!!

به طرز عجیب و وحشتناکی خوب بود !از اون دست داستان های کوتاه که همه چی داشت ...

Bom dia literární rodino,Nikolaj Gůgl (neplést si s Johnem Gůglem, který vymyslel internet) se v této krátké novele věnuje fenoménu zvaný Stendhalův syndrom, tedy když čučíte na nějakej obraz tak moc, až se rozpláčete a propadnete se do full mešuge stavu. To se mi pravidelně stává když se dívám na výplatní pásku. Ta má měsíc co měsíc korunavirus. No ale to jsem odbočil. Takže malíř najde portrét lichváře, který na něj čučí ve dne v noci. Jelikož tehdy ještě nebyly telefony, nikdo neřekl Who you

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