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Tikslai ir vizijos Paperback | Pages: 125 pages
Rating: 3.45 | 89 Users | 10 Reviews

Describe Regarding Books Tikslai ir vizijos

Title:Tikslai ir vizijos
Author:Noam Chomsky
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 125 pages
Published:2006 by Kitos knygos (first published 2005)
Categories:Politics. Nonfiction. History. Philosophy

Narrative Supposing Books Tikslai ir vizijos

Straipsnių rinkinys, reprezentuojantis svarbiausius autoriaus temas ir koncepcijas: Klasikinį liberalizmą ir libertarinį socializmą; propagandos, kaip „sutarimo gaminimo“ ir politinio diskurso apribojimo žodžio laisvės sąlygomis; originalų požiūrį į Sovietų Sąjungą ir alternatyvią George’o Orwello kūrybos interpretaciją.

Autorius plėtoja kitokio, tinkamesnio gyventi pasaulio viziją. Žmogus, pasak Chomsky, yra morali ir visuomeniška būtybė, kuriai būdinga keistis ir tobulėti. Negailestingai smerkdamas pasaulio viešpačius (ir Vakaruose, ir Rytuose), siekį dominuoti pasaulyje, „laisvos“ rinkos tironiją, Noamas Chomsky siūlo judėti naujos visuomenės, grindžiamos tiesiogine demokratija, laisvų žmonių asociacijomis, alternatyvios gyvensenos bei ekonomikos galimybėmis, link.

Details Books In Pursuance Of Tikslai ir vizijos

Original Title: Doctrines and Visions
ISBN: 995564012X
Edition Language: Lithuanian URL

Rating Regarding Books Tikslai ir vizijos
Ratings: 3.45 From 89 Users | 10 Reviews

Appraise Regarding Books Tikslai ir vizijos

I am not totally new to Noam Chomsky, i've red plenty of his contributions on different topics here and there, the thing is : he always impress me with his moral values, his wisdom and his way of presenting things and nowaday problems like " how didn't we think of things this way for so long ".This series of interviews isn't centred around one lone subject but it just gives us a glimpse of the renewed professor and activist, the way he sees things and how to deal with them.

One of the most vocal opponents of American hegemony and the misdeed perpetrated by governments in the name of democracy, Chomsky is certainly a controversial figure. There is some sensationalism to the way he presents his arguments and piles up accusations together, but I do not doubt the scholarly relevance of his works. I think he is very credible and worthy of the praise he receives as a scholar. This treatise is one of the penguin shorts I previously mentioned and was another great way to

Avram Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, political activist, author, and lecturer. He is an Institute Professor and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Chomsky is credited with the creation of the theory of generative grammar, considered to be one of the most significant contributions to the field of linguistics made in the 20th century.Works written by Noam Chomsky is my guilty pleasure. His attitude, ideas and visions are refreshing and challenge my thinking. I like his deep-researched conclusions and courageous statements. I don't know if he is right but I am sure that our political and economical systems are unjust and leave too many people behind.

Works written by Noam Chomsky is my guilty pleasure. His attitude, ideas and visions are refreshing and challenge my thinking. I like his deep-researched conclusions and courageous statements. I don't know if he is right but I am sure that our political and economical systems are unjust and leave too many people behind.

Trumpas straipsnių rinkinys, kuriame atsiskleidžia pagrindinės Chomsky idėjos. Nepailstantis JAV užsienio politikos ir propagandos mašinos kritikas, Noam Chomsky atskleidžia dabarties ir praeities įvykius bei kaip jais manipuliuojama. Chomsky yra anarchistas, todėl jis kalba apie tai, kas dažnai nutylima korporacijų valdomoje žiniasklaidoje. Pvz, Vietnamo karas. Kodėl Sovietų Sąjungos įvykdytas Afganistano užpuolimas buvo laikomas "agresija", o JAV agresija Pietų Vietnamo atžvilgiu buvo laikoma

Started off interesting, but soon I got lost in the density of the politics. Also, it's almost a decade out of date, so I wasn't even sure of the accuracy of what I was reading.

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